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Kotulire's Sub/Dub Anime Trading
*'s Page

Okay so one of the video's you want has a star * by it. Well that means that there is a spot in the tape that's fuzzy or there's something else about it. Just look down the list for the video's name and then look in the right colum to see what's up with it.


Poultragist Report

Ledgend of the Crystals


The very beganing has some lines from being over watch. I copied this one from a video store so it's hard to say how much it's been watched.

The ending song has been cut off, and because the tape has been watch several times about 3 times throughout the series theres a line that apears at the bottom but disapears shortly

Nothing really that bad is truely wrong with any of the tapes. But I feel an obligation to let you know about anything that is slightly wrong. I hope that the reasons listed above do not change your mind.