Name: Sanosuke Saraga Alias: Zanza, Sano Age: 19 Birthdate: 02/??/1860 Height: 179cm 6 foot 1in Weight: 71kg Blood type: B School: none (was taught by his late mentor Sauza Sagod) Equipment: Zanbatou (Zanza), A giant sword Profile information: Sano entered the Ruroni Kenshin series when he was highered to challenge Kenshin. When fighting Kenshin he began to admire Kenshin's superiority and character because it reminded him of his old mentor, Saraga. (hence where he got his last name) Who had the same hopes of a new way in life. Born with awesome strength and power, he received the nickname Zanza for using a large sword (Zanzabatou) that was handled with ease.