Name: Kaoru Kamyia Age: 17 Birthdate: 06/??/1862 Height: 155cm 5 foot 1 Weight: 41kg Blood type: O
School: Kamiya Kashin Ryu Equipment: Shinai (wooden sword) Series: Ruroni Kenshin Kaoru is the main
female in the series, she met Kenshin when accusing him of being a murderer, he later saved her life from the one she thought
he was. She is the master at the Kamiya dojo, she took over as the master of Kamiya Kashin Ryu when her parents died. Sticking
with her schools spirit of saving people with the sword, she is compassionate, obstinate. She is also very brave, and gentle.
Kaoru gets angry easily unfortunately Kenshin is usually her victim of it, but deep in her heart she really cares about him.